Friday, November 25, 2011

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Julian keeps growing!

Our baby boy is now 6 months old! He is sleeping well and eating like a champion and he LOVES to make lots of noise. We have a very expressive personality on our hands with Julian. We had some fun adventures as a family in October - visiting Los Angeles to meet Gigi, Lisa, Jeff and Brian for the first time. And then we had a fantastic Holloween as the Toy Story family. He continues to love being with his big brother Lawson, staring at everyone, practicing using his hands, and rolling from his tummy to his back. He is a sweet and fun little guy and we are totally enjoying all our time with him!

Sunday, October 16, 2011

An update on Julian

Julian is growing fast and charming everyone! He is a wonderful baby - sleeping through the night (8pm - 7:30) with only a couple of wake-ups but no feedings. He is also eating solid foods and playing a ton in his jumper. He is very chatty as well. His first tooth is starting to poke out - bothering him a little bit. He absolutely loves Lawson, lighting up when he enters the room and following his every move with penetrating eyes. But truthfully, he loves just about anyone that is with him, particularly someone giving him undivided attention - which is difficult given Lawson's constant need for attention too. Nevertheless, we are settling into a nice routine and enjoying every second of it! It is going way too fast - we are cherishing every moment....

Julian around 5 months old!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Check me out...

From Instant Upload
I'm feeding myself!
Not really, but I sure do like this rice cereal and Daddy just can't dish it to me fast enough. Yum...

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Tummy Time in the Pool

Julian had a great time in the pool this week and even did some tummy time on the kick-board. Check him out...

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Monday, August 22, 2011

Julian's first time at the beach

Yesterday we took Julian (and the boys) to the beach for the first time which he enjoyed. We've added more photos to the album of our time here in Cap Ferret, France.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Europe Photos

We'll keep adding to this album as the trip progresses. We're leaving London headed to Cap Ferret, France tomorrow to enjoy the pool, the beach and relaxing as much as possible with 3 small kids in tow.
Check back over the next 2 weeks to see more pics that we'll add along the way...

Julian & Mommy

We took this photo right before leaving on the trip. It's the same shot we took of Deb and Lawson when he was about the same age. It's actually in one of the frames in the background.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Julian in July

Julian is growing fast and looking more and more like Lawson these days - and very handsome if we do say so ourselves! He loves to watch his big brother and follows him with his eyes all around the room. They have enjoyed baths, naps, and playing together. And Julian goes with us all about town to the parks, beaches, the zoo and the boat. We have had a ton of visitors this summer, spending the most time with both sets of grandparents. Mornings are so much fun and at night time we have developed a routine where Julian and Lawson snuggle together while mommy reads stories and sings songs. Julian will become Lawson roommate this weekend! And then its off to Europe in a few weeks time to get his first few stamps in his passport.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

They change so fast!

Well Julian has certainly done a lot of changing this month. He is super cute and has gotten a lot chubbier. We are getting lots of smiles when he is awake and fed. After several travels (some time in Stockton with his grandparents and in San Luis Obispo for a wedding), we are finally home again and have established a great routine. Both boys are asleep by 9pm and with one dream feed at 11pm, Julian is sleeping until 4am (7 hours isn't bad for a 2 month old!). We will continue to enjoy the summer in San Francisco, doing fun activities and getting fun shots of our new baby boy.

Monday, June 13, 2011

First photos of Julian

Sorry everyone for the delay in getting these out to the world. We had a few technical issues with blogger, but mostly we've been trying to get our heads above water with 2 kids.

Check it out...
You can click on the slideshow to go to the full size images

Friday, May 20, 2011

Hello World!

Hello world. I'm Julian. I was born at 6:52PM on May 9th. At birth I weighed 7 pounds 5 ounces and was 19 inches long. My family had a pool going to guess my name and all of my stats. Erin, my dad's cousin and my "aunt" won the pool by guessing my name and being the closest on my weight. Erin, who was also there to help bring my big brother into the world was there for my birth and was a huge help to my mommy and daddy. Now I'm almost two weeks old and I'm focusing my energies on eating and putting on ounces to get back to my birth weight. I hope you like my blog. More to come. Stay tuned...