Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Julian closes out his first year

Its certainly been a very long time since our last post in January (nearly half of Julian's life!).  And for that we are sorry.  But life can be hectic with two kids and two full-time jobs... But we have been spending our time enjoying our sweet baby and watching as he continues to grow and develop.  He has been enjoying San Francisco and seeing his grandparents throughout February, March and April.  Then we flexed his adaptability over a two week vacation through Florida and Georgia, where he turned one in May.  He is crawling, talking and eating!  His first word was appropriately "yummy."  And while he maintains his signature serious look most of the time, he has developed a deep belly chuckle just like his mom.  Julian's relationship with Lawson is precious and full of laughter and play.  Lawson wants to hug and kiss him all the time, but Julian is not shy about pushing him away when he is not in the mood.  In fact, he has established himself within the family with a very strong personality and a growing reputation for being loud and assertive.  He has a gap toothed smile and auburn coloring that is simply remarkable.  He remains the sweetest baby in the world, full of wonder and discovery.  His first year may be over, but we can't wait to see what other capabilities emerge during his second blessed year of life.